Version 1.11.104 is live on the Steam Public Test branch. It should be available tomorrow for mobile.
Here are the changes:
Tweaks and Features
- Added more outputs from parts to variables that are accessible from a menu next to the part transform tool
- Stock craft replaced in v1.11 restored as "Simple" variants.
- Four upgraded stock craft - Pigpen, Hellkeska, Twin Prop, Sea Plane
- The ActivateCatapult function can now be activated by buttons and switches.
- Add "SelectPartById" utility command
- Added button to manually recenter the view for first-person cameras that don't have Auto Center enabled.
- Removed halo from formation light.
- Input dialog can now display special symbols and characters from other languages.
- Fixed bug where Cessna prop blade-style would not allow changing blade color.
- Improve error handling in mesh cutting, not show "all hidden"/"all shown" errors.
- Switches and buttons with empty input IDs no longer throw warnings.
- Fixed bug where empty variable entries could cause issues in the designer.
- Fixed a label bug where some symbols would never be emissive.
- Fixed a bug where the joint rotator's part property sliders would not update in some circumstances.
- Fixed fuselage tool breaks if part is edited with overload while it's open.
- Brightened up the RCN exhaust a bit.
- Fixed craft not loading due to invalid part material assignments
- Fixes to Craft Instructions flyout.
- Fixed a bug where thickness and angle settings could apply to the wrong part in the fuselage tool.
@SPsidearm ok.
Performance issues
Why did you remove android and mobile support?
We need horizontal text label curvature
We need a light that actually light the world
Jundroo when you adding realistic destruction physics like sam missiles don't explode fuselages immediately and they actually deal damage instead of destroying a fuselage with over 100k health in one impact, also real working stealth and the scale of fuselage explosions vary on the fuselage's size, also aircraft npcs on the carrier, also new islands and military bases would be a good idea, sea traffic too. @andrewGarrison
Thanks! This update is amazing! Great work Jundroo team!
@CoalMan it is
The update log of needs to be published as soon as possible and accompanied by licorice
@OldBomber press T or tap on the arrow next to the speed...
Wondering the same thing @CoalMan
When is this being released on mobile? Do any of you already have this update?
Can we please have engine fuel flow variables?
@andrewGarrison @WNP78
Is there's a plan to able player to see on underwater without a mod?
@Kennneth i agree with that statement hahaha
@AndrewGarrison @WNP78
Hi! I would like to see an option added to the engine settings that allows you to edit the fuel consumption rate. With this, we can have both realistic sound and realistic range. Thank you very much for your consideration.
can you add if possible a button that toggle on and off the altitude and speed and fuel just leave the air to air & air to gnd and the numbers, because its useless now cause we have instrument panel or cockpit interior if i called it.
nice. Remote drones will now be quite easy to program!
Please make the Fuselage Slicing use buttons. Fine tuning with sliders, especially on mobile, is clunky and counter-intuitive.
Please please please make vertical curvature possible with text it's basically useless for aircraft without it
need AltitudeAgl plz.......
please add a function to adjust the sound of the car engine, so that you can customize the sound yourself. discs for wheels, changing the profile of rubber. physics of engine and wheel speed.
this is not so much, but so desirable
@AlexanderRem why ruin 69??
Can you have the ability to like.... Interact with levers? Please?