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Flying Boat/Seaplane Bomber challenge!

3,436 TailessAce  3.4 years ago

Alrighty, thanks for the wait.

For those who just want to look, here are the results:

Note: This may change

1st: Hokodo light bomber 'supaida' - @Simplememes

2nd: Long-Range Stratigic Aquatic Bomber - @JJcoolRamos

3rd: MT-22-213 (Challenge Entry) - @UnsparkleSP

4th: W.B.1 - @airlinerbuilder


The judgement may seem rather harsh, but this is to improve your design and spot flaws out for the future. If you feel hurt by this, I'm more than happy to change some words, or take it out in general! Just dm me!

W.B.1 - @ airlinerbuilder -Uptdated-

First of all, I love how this thing looks. I can really see the resembellance of the W.F.1 Design from the last challenge and this thing looks terrifying. It looks like the W.F.1 mashed with the massive Russian ekroplans. The interior is pretty good as well as with the wheel handle controls. The defensive armaments aswell are splendid, although we do have to note that some gunners collide with the cannons (which are only set to ground sadly) forcing themselves to shoot it off. The back turret jonts were weird aswell and made it hard to aim. However, it did defend the big beast which is good. Keep the good work up! However, as much as I hate to say it, but this thing does not fly straight whatsoever. No matter how much trim it is given it becomes a wild bull. Even worse with the payload gone. although with general care and fighting over the controls you can make it fly in a straight line, but only in a straight line. As soon as you make an adjustment, it stalls itself out. In real life, going from 500kmh to 200kmh by pitching up can cause those wing spars to rip off. This can make it hard for the crew to fly, espeaccially long missons. The gyroscope does help but it only levels the plane out. Even with ful throttle and full up trim, this thing doesn't want to climb with gyroscope. Climbing without one is a death sentence and will surely result in the crew blacking out, or over G of the frame. Taking this off is also hard despite the instructions. As soon as the plane reaches 7 meters off the ground it banks hard right or left and you have to constantly fight for the controls, as well as tapping the gyroscope on and off to climb (literally to only way to climb). Landing hits hard. Stalls somewhere south of 200kmh, which is too high for safe operation and will at least make a Ryan air- like landing. Rough seas are definetly something you should stay away from. Characteristics wise, it isn't graceful, but you did mention this in the description. The description is very well though out of with lots of details. But, its very hard to believe the N.A.F. would make 220 of these. Such pilots of The N.A.F would have to be super humans to fly these for long.

Score: 115

MT-22-213 - @UnsparkleSP

At first glance, this a fabulous aircraft with the normal double pontoons and a sleek and normal design. We can see how it would be cheap to produce. However, this design does not look like it came from the early 1930's, rather the late 1930's. Ths is because single engined seaplanes often would have either an open canopy or an exposed engine. These planes still looked completely boxy compared to your sleek design. The only boxy looking things are your pontoons, which don't look pleasing. The blade diameter is also too large and the prob strikes the waier everytime, this would cause corrosion and severe damage to the blade if it hadn't already broken. The plane also has a top speed of 509kmh at 100 meters. We can compare this to the OS2U Kingfisher with a top speed of 264kmh / 164mph. Aside from that, the Offensive arnament, although not in the same date, fits well with your aircraft. I did however, chucked either the torpedo out or the bombs for just eithr the bombs or the single torpedo. It could however carry the full payload. Torpedos were easy to use but the bombs were slightly harder due to our skill (this does not affect your score) against small moving targets. The thing that brought you down were the guns. Four guns are acceptable for your aircraft design (based on late 1930's) but the gun placement meant that two out of four of your wing guns striked your proppellor, causing your own prop to fly off. As for defensive, I assume it uses speed to outrun enemy planes. This plane has good energy retention and can out run early 1930's planes like the P26 with a top speed of 377kmh, but with late 1930's, the P40 Tomahawk Mk1 (579kmh), Bf109 E1 (560kmh), I-16 (525kmh), and the Hurricane Mk1 (547kmh) would out run the plane. Even if the guns were placed correctly and ordinance all away, it would still be hard to fight with them. The wings are rather fragile when it comes to damage and will rip apart as soon as a few would hit them. It is best to stay away from enemy aircraft. The characteristics of the aircraft is splendidly graceful though. It takes off a 180kmh, which is reasonable for the payload, and lands at around 170mph. Upwards trim is needed to offset the weight of the payload, but flies without trim once the ordance is gone. As for diving, the pilot would never go past 9G's which is rather comfortable (I guess). Only thing that's wrong in the characteristics is the gyroscope itself, pitching up to far would cause the tail to dip in the water. Over all his a wonderful design. Good job.

Score: 143

Long-Range Stratigic Aquatic Bomber - @JJcoolRamos

This plane also looks amazing and may I just say, you did well with the engine flame showing the dark matter propulsion drive. The engine also stays true with the high efficiency displayed on the description. It also complements the military green theme of the plane. The planes characteristics are really calm despite the striking look of the plane. I only managed around 10g when pulling out of a dive. Pretty comfortable being the pilot. Takeoff speed is pretty high at around 230kmh, but the sleek fuselage cuts through water smoothly and the lift off is amazing. The landing speed is around 120kmh without payload which is nice considering the speed of other jets. The nuke also goes well with your theme and decimated the convoy in one blow. Although, you may want to be pretty high to drop the nuke due to the massive explosion. If there was a way, maybe you could've matched the explosion particle aswell, just a thought. Theres three downsize however. The first being that the plane seems to be rather slow, and put up with what we're guessing with your theme may be, then fighter would easily catch up. You may have chaff & flares, but what happens once it runs out? Laser cannons may be a thing to so you may need to watch out for enemy fighters up close. Although the straight wing offers good characteristics, wouldn't it be swept? Maybe you were going for a very high altitude bomber based on possibly the U-2. The description was kinda off and could've at least The straight wing does limit your speed a bit. Lastly, and probably the worst, are the non retractble landing gear. I don't see why you hadn't added a retractble landing gear if you've made a retractble pontoon (which was cool by the way!) This gear will rip off as soon as you land at even at a slow speed of 120kmh if it hasn't ripped at take off. Over all this plane is amazing with nice genaral characteristics. Keep the work up!

Score: 154

Hokodo light bomber 'supaida' - @Simplememes

First of all congrats on being first mate! This is very realistic with this steam punk japanese kinda style. This is a huge improvement against the other fighter Kyketsuki. The dfference being the new style of engine and tail section with the addition of the gunner. The engine flame, like the previous creation complements the colour scheme and is really good. Characteristic wise, it feels heavy with the aerial torpedo. It really heaves the bomber quite a lot. Without the ordinance, it becomes a pretty nice light heavy fighter, with the exception of the poor machine gun. Some things that marginally set this design back was the machine gun itself. It only had horizontal control and no vertical. This makes it really hard to hit enemy planes. It also shoots its own tail which also isn't to good. However, this plane does out run enemy planes as simulated against the kyuketsuki fighter. However, this plane, among with possibly other enemy planes, have missiles. The Hokodo lacks chaffs or flares, coupled with the poor elevator control and fragile airframe, makes it hard to evade these. Your best bet is to drop your bomb,go close to the enemy and start doing aggresive rolls and make the missiles miss. The plane also lacks trim and the plane constantly pitches up or down. This makes it hard to aim the bomb at the target. Lastly, the planes landing speed is higher than usual at 200 kmh. The take off speed at 160 kmh is amazing, but I think the elevators just isn't strong enough to pitch the nose up and create that good angle of attack. I was gonna mention once again the small ski like floats, but I think it's actually part of the theme. Overall, this is a good bomber fighter and it would be awesome to see these planes in squadrons dive bombing 'said unready destroyer.' Keep this up!

Score: 174

Thank you for the 4 of you guys for competing!

Stay tune for the challenge posts where we shall decide on the next one!

Score Spread sheet (will make it neater):

This is subject to change, if you have found your score rather unpleasing, feel free to talk to me in the comments below.

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    3,436 TailessAce

    +0 for simplememes - done
    +0 for JJcoolRamos - done
    +0 for Unsparkle Sp - done
    +0 For airliner builder - done
    +1 for no one

    Pinned 3.4 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    Shoot just realised that there is no reward haha: Reward however will be

    1st: 15 upvotes
    2nd: 10 Upvotes
    3rd: 5 Upvotes
    4th 2 Upvotes
    5th: 1 Upvote

    Pinned 3.4 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    Upvoters discluding participants:


    Thank you very much!

    Pinned 3.4 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce


    @UnsparkleSP @Simplememes @airlinerbuilder @JJcoolRamos

    Give 'em a round of applause! Good Job yall!

    Pinned 3.4 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    @Simplememes algds, funny enough I have made a turret fighter, actually turns the ai into something else. Probably ognna take a break though.

    3.4 years ago
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    1,234 Simplememes

    Thank you very much my friend, I look forward to the challenge

    Some ideas:
    Naval gunship - turret fighter + big plane = gunship ( think c - 130 with cannons almost like a flying artillery )

    A wunderwaffe interceptor to be built with limited parts, like those from germany in 1945

    And well yeah

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    @Simplememes Aye, me too. it was around 172 downloads so I was hoping for alot more. Less work for me!

    3.4 years ago
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    1,234 Simplememes

    @FearlessAce ha ha indeed
    i was to say confused that less people joined in the end, this was a really fun challenge

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    @Simplememes Hahaha!

    3.4 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    @airlinerbuilder I think it might be us to be honest. But it was that hard. You did however have the most though out in looks and description! You and Simple memes also were the only people who used defensive armments.

    3.4 years ago
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    1,234 Simplememes

    I've not been betrayed, I've not been back stabbed, but I have been bamboozled

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    Oof i didn't think the plane was this bad in performance, well better luck next time.

    +1 3.4 years ago