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I need help

1,102 GeorgianSpecialAirforce  3.4 years ago

Can someone teach me how to make a cockpit (and blend in with the aircraft (plz and thanks)

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    in 1.11 beta:
    -make your fuselage body with hollow fuselage
    -keep in mind where you want to later have the cockpit so have fuselage sections that are the correct length and placement for where you want to cut.
    - Size and build the fuselage beforehand and as if the cockpit doesn't exist (i.e don't have it dip down where the fuselage starts but instead smoothly transition over
    -use fuselage slice to slice away an opening for your cockpit

    3.4 years ago
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    8,475 SinisterARMS

    or if your non beta then, idk wha to tell you

    3.4 years ago
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    8,475 SinisterARMS
    3.4 years ago