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Devs, thank you

12.1k BlackhattAircraft  3.3 years ago

I just want to take a second to thank the Dev's for this new update and my buddy @AWESOMENESS360 for telling me about it. I was kinda done with SP. I still casually played it and made some "interesting" designs to see how they acted and just to goof around, but I felt stuck with my designs. This new update has me excited though, and I have SO MANY new ideas I want to try now.

I haven't been this excited for simpleplanes since iOS got fine tuner and stuff. This update has re-lit a fire I thought had died a while ago.

Not sure if i'll post anything, probably will for a few things, but it's just nice to have something to look forward to and more opportunity to express and customize.

Now all I need is to figure out how to make better wings lmao