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Umm, I don't mean to complain, But...

28.3k goboygo1  3.2 years ago

Edit: its out now.

The update still is not available on Android. Meaning I can't play it.
Kinda sucks.
I realize it's probably Amazon's fault, but is there anything you could do?
(P.S. I'm finally going to make something after 2.8 years of inactivity)

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    28.3k goboygo1

    That's technically against the rules, To ask for upvotes or spotlights, But it fits my criteria for a spotlight. Your screenshots are bad, they don't really show the plane well and they are a weird color. With better screentshots it would have performed better.

    2.3 years ago
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    28.3k goboygo1

    So it is! Hurrah!
    thanks for the heads up.

    3.2 years ago
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    23.7k FeatherWing

    Check amazon again?
    I just looked and it's saying it's 1.11.105 (latest version)

    3.2 years ago
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    36.2k Icey21

    @goboygo1 you dont?

    3.2 years ago
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    28.3k goboygo1

    To do that, i would have to own it on the play store.

    3.2 years ago
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    36.2k Icey21

    just update on the playstore

    3.2 years ago
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    28.3k goboygo1

    Android app store, im considering just buying it on google play too. :P

    3.2 years ago
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    It is available on Android
    What device do you use? It might not be available to your device specifically

    3.2 years ago
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    50.7k BeastHunter

    Yeah, Amazon is broken for me too. I can play it on IOS currently, but all we can do is wait.

    3.2 years ago