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Function for spawning Custom Built Air Tankers in "Spawn Tanker" function

26.5k KingOfTypos  3.4 years ago

With the new update adding the new Air to Air Refueling, i was just coming across on the discord server when i saw some guy building a Air Tanker. Thats where it got me thinking if it would be possible to add some sort of droplist so that Custom Built Air-to-air Tankers could be used instead of the default one.

Of course there should be conditions to be met and that would be:
-Must have atleast 1 Drogue
-must have a "specific" amount of fuel or more (idk how much the fuel tankers carried sorry)

Although im not a guy who builds modern jets that would use the function, but i just thought it would be a grrat option for builders who made tznkers, get a chance for their tanker to be of use. :)

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    24.0k FeatherWing

    Ok, fair enough.

    3.4 years ago
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    @FeatherWing There was a KC-747 air tanker prototype that ended up flying for the Iranian Air Force.

    3.4 years ago
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    2,288 Numbers2

    What I find with the A400M is it's max speed is 280MPH IAS now this could be my building skills but I find it too big and easy to crash into but if you had something like a drone something like that of the United states navy is testing and have max speed at 300Mph IAS then yea it would be better no tail in case you go too fast then hit the tail damaging your plane so yea would be grate if we had a different plane

    3.4 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    @KfcGaming A400M is still cool though but yeah

    3.4 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    That would be a really good idea actually. especially for new things like going inside the plane to refuel and other crazy good ideas.

    3.4 years ago
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    26.5k KingOfTypos

    @3 i heard it works, but i think its more convenient to not have to renaming thing in the folder

    3.4 years ago
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    24.0k FeatherWing

    That would be quite nice to have.

    3.4 years ago
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    24.0k FeatherWing

    Problem with that is that the 747 isn't used for Air tanker purposes.

    3.4 years ago
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    38.2k V

    Delete the __aiRefuelTanker__.xml in your aircraftdesigns folder then rename something else to __aiRefuelTanker__.xml

    +5 3.4 years ago
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    5,785 XiliamXD

    True like custom jumbo jets instead of a boring A400 M aircraft

    3.4 years ago