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Why does this happen?

1,668 LITVYAK013INDUSTRIES  3.4 years ago

Hello, this time I want to tell you something that has delayed me with some aircraft that I have in development, in one of them I am testing my new landing gear totally made by me, everything fine up to this point, but, the rotors of the gear landing, when activated, the rotors do not work properly, they go crazy, and the landing gear never goes up at all, the same with an electric motor that I am developing, instead of turning normally, it goes from one side to the other, someone else has these flaws or just me?

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    yeah landing gear can be pretty finicky, you need to have your rotators attached a certain way or it'll break the physics
    it's kinda hard to explain how to fix it in a comment, but if you link me an unlisted build I could try and see if I could fix it

    +2 3.4 years ago