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I need help with rotators

14.3k airlinerbuilder  3.3 years ago

so, i have been working on a supersonic airliner with a fully functional droop snoot but when the plane is over 3700 km/h the nose starts going up and it glitchs inside the fuselage and when maneuvering at high speed it starts flopping out of control. Is there a way to fix this problem? Like a way to increase the strength of rotators?

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    Its simple 1st step is making a activation group after than you should move the part you want to be stable to the place and angle of the rotator (should be a hinge rotator) and than it should work at wings and other parts (i learned this at my pa 25 X project that im going to upload) also dont use this method while cruising

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    @dababyduck ok, guess i'll have to reduce the max speed

    3.3 years ago
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    I think no, game engine cannot keep rotators fine at high speed. (Btw Even parts which are static and dont rotate sometimes glitches)

    3.3 years ago