Ok so, i have a plane with VTOL engines, which probably have to do vertical take off, but somehow, the plane is unstable and flies however it likes, and makes flips.by the way, everything such as CoM, CoT and CoL are placed fine (CoM in front of CoL, CoT right in the CoM). Waiting for help and explanation why it doesn't work, and how to solve this
@dababyduck its the nozzles, probably one nozzle is placed higher than another
make sure that all nozzles is place equal in height so all will be stable
@dababyduck Yeah it doesn't surprise me because I don't either
@Tanner0501 yea, but idk exactly how to use them
@Stickman i know but "plane doesnt work" sounds kinda weird, so i mentioned VTOL
have you thought of using a gyroscope?