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Suggestions for next updates

120k GalacticaAsia  3.3 years ago

Would be glad if wright gets lights at night, cause it can be hard to see at certain time periods (4am in game time as an example)

Alternatively a Head/Spotlight part like the one from SR2 would be ok too, and if possible; a option to disable bloom/the parts ablity to light stuff up like the "max craft lights" option from SR2

Car Engines: Ability to select how loud they can get/be

Rotators: Ability to select how far in a certain direction a floppy rotator can go(25* left, 90* right as an example)

Fuselage corner sliders: just like the ones from SR2

And Game optimization, thats it and thank you for reading :)

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    4,039 RC1138Boss

    I get your point. I’m an sr player and it isn’t fun to make a plane @GalacticaAsia

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    @RC1138Boss Eh kinda, SR2 is kinda lacking when it comes to making accurate replicas of Airliners on mobile though as it's not really meant for that, I just want to see some features from SR2 that will definitely be useful for many. The custom fuselage corners would be usefull when the 4 corner options are too off for what you need, while lights would help you see better at night. If they do add a part thats similar to the spot/headlight part from SR2, it definitely would help you see better in cockpits at night, avoid falling off edges in the dark, and the option I mentioned thats similar to the "max craft lights" option from SR2 is just there in case the Head/Spotlight causes too much lag

    3.3 years ago
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    4,039 RC1138Boss

    Basically. You want SR2?

    3.3 years ago
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    41.5k Decembermin

    @GalacticaAsia Do not rush at all, just Airba310 If you buy, please be 300 series

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    @Decembermin Expect it in 4-5 weeks, I have a schedule of planes Im gonna do. I am currently reworking my 737-800, after that; my 757-300. When I'm done with those 2, I'll move on to the A300-600. The A310-300 should be next after that, expect each to be published within a week of eacthother. though I cannot guarantee their date of being published, as a delay in each aircrafts development/testing can happen.

    3.3 years ago
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    41.5k Decembermin

    Hello Airbus A310 Do you make it and upload it?

    3.3 years ago
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    ah, i see what you mean now
    yeah that would be a handy feature to have

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    @JeskoGoesVROOM could you clarify on what you mean by: "(full left)"? is about the rotators speed? If so, I am not talking about how to make floppy rotators and/or limit their movement overall. I'm talking about how to limit their movement in a specific direction(I've edited the post to better clarify). Anyway, Thanks for reading

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    i'm pretty sure you can already set how far floppy rotators can go, set the "speed" slider to none/floppy (full left) but keep the upper max angle slider at the angle you want

    +2 3.3 years ago