I have finally solve the problem with color. Now rubber part of wheel and tracks are paintable:
The color of rubber part of wheel and tracks have Trim 2 index. I recommend to use black color with 0% metallic and 0% smoothness. Then tracks will look like in updates before 1.11. Dont forget to delete old version of the mod.
@MOPCKOEDNISHE thanks! So whenever I update the tracks, remove the old tracks first before downloading the new tracks to install them
@JCCNtechnologies If you delete tracks 2 mod, the creations will not deleted, but you coudnt load it. Probably, tracks can stuck, because in fact it is a special wheels, but looks like tracks.
@MOPCKOEDNISHE The tracks get stuck in the proving grounds even though it shouldn't, specifically in the gaps of the ramps, also the track looks weird on a low tank, when I made the tracks low, the tracks pertrude each other on the gear wheel and the freewheel. Also if we delete old version will it delete all previous creations tracks?
@MOPCKOEDNISHE If we delete old version will it delete all previous creations tracks?
@MOPCKOEDNISHE Thank you so much! Here is one of my projects with this amazing mod.
@TheSpartan I have add new color not for customization. It is the one way to make normal the color of rubber.
@PlaneFlightX I was very impressed with your love for this mod, for this reason im trying again to solve color problem in variable wing. I need some time.
Is this the same color bug with the variable wings? I just love Variable Wings and don't want to stop using it.
It's unbelievable how many parts were previously mods and now there's even a harrier in the vanilla stock. Btw OOh yeah colors
@Stinkypinky Just now i have downloaded standalone jet engine mod from this page Thrust vector is ok. I dont want that you think that im cheating you - look at the gif, i have created it right now: GIF. You can see that thrust vector is ok.
Also, i have checked this mod ins simplewings pack, its ok. I cannot solve the problem, if i cannot reproduce it.
Ваш реактивный двигатель сломался. Вектор тяги физически больше не работает
Your jet engine got broken. The thrust vectoring nolonger works physically.
Pls gib us traks