For reason of the @PlaneFlightX requst, and for reason of my patrons support on MyPatreon, i have updated variable wing mod for 1.11. Im surpraised, but now variable wing looks better, than in previous updates, because now it have absolutely same color like game parts:
I cannot solve some problems with airfoils loading. You can think that airfoil button do nothing:
In fact this button work. But you will not see any changes in Designer. You should reload the aircraft or enter in level:
Known bug: its possible that your variable wing become very big when you try to tune it:
I dont know the reason of this bug, but you can see that all sliders in part setting have a maximum value. Try to delete this part and create new.
Dont forget to delete old version of the mod.
This is the problem of the game. I also experienced this situation when setting the original engine (all sliders are set to the maximum value).
is this the same mod where there are wing vapor effects?
Thanks for updating this great mod!! It fits so well with the inside job game update!
Thank you for updating this!