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(The Nation Tonight Breaking News, Nov 4 2021) Reports of Gas Attacks Now Almost Nationwide

3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  3.4 years ago

Extent of chemical attacks on Lenin Island
Multiple reports of chemical attacks now almost nationwide
Today there are over a dozen chemical attack reports throughout the country. In Tavitoa, where the attack started, there were reports of people being diagnosed of being poisoned on multiple hospitals. Some reports after the mass poisoning earlier this morning seen a huge cloud of pungent smell. There was one report that a tank truck released a white cloud of gas in an alley at Titograd District. As stated by relevant authorities, there are a thousand reports available to prove what happened. The Poison Control and Radioactive and Harmful Substances Control Department of the Ministry of Health are now on red alert.
Attacks also happened at capital
In Wright Town, multiple hospitals had their calls flooded by people saying they have shortness of breath, vomiting, nausea, darkening of vision, dizziness, chest pains and headache. There was a report that a petrol tanker truck released a white cloud of gas. Supreme Minister SheriffHackdogMCPE and high ranking military officials have been notified and evacuated to the KDNS Jundroo, a Krakabloan Democratic Navy carrier. Citizens of Wright Town were also evacuated at KDNS Jundroo and other surrounding civilian and military vessels. The Supreme Minister has declared a national state of emergency and a national humanitarian crisis and enforced a lockdown on affected cities and towns except Maywarville.
Nationwide Transportation System Goes Down, Will Krakabloan Economy Recover After This event?
As stated by Democratic Transportation Ministry, There were also reports that the national transportation system has been down. Intercity and commuter services of the NKPRR have been shut down due to 9 reports of gas attacks happening aboard their trains. A tanker releasing poison caused a pileup along DFR1/E1 Karl Marx Expressway NB near Tavitoa. 23 cars have been involved. Also there were reported pileups and car accidents reported on expressways and highways due to multiple vehicles releasing poison throughout northeast Krakabloa. There were multiple accidents reported in Tavitoa. 3 planes were reported missing.
Tonight, a political expert was interviewed about what will happen to Krakabloa's economy and politics. He stated: "Due to recent events, we have found that the economy may plummet due to multiple disruptions of services, transportation, and production. We may not know if the government may not be the same again after all of what happened. We may hope that these things end in a good way."
As of today, TVKrakabloa will stop further broadcasting after The Nation Tonight due to recent events to ensure safety of our employees. We will be back soon if things go good. Comrades, thank you for watching. Heil Hackdog!
This is Selena Wright, reporting for TV Krakabloa.

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    @Typhoon03 RP server is WIP
    Link will be posted along with Minecraft, SimplePlanes and GTA: SA Community Hangout server link if finished

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    40.6k Typhoon03

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE Do you have a discord link?

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    @Typhoon03 SimplePlanes Country RP

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    40.6k Typhoon03

    Which RP is this?

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