I'm making a text that should change depend on target's speed but i cannot find proper funky trees for it. for example i have tried to use this code i made but it does not work look below:
(this code suggested to show speed of a plane moving on a surface without changing altitude like tankers but i need a code that can also show speed of moving plane with different altitude in time)
sqrt((sin(rate(TargetHeading)) * (TargetDistance + rate(TargetDistance))) + (pow((TargetDistance + (cos(rate(TargetHeading) * TargetDistance))), 2)))
I don't know I used my professor's note to make it but it didn't make sense. I test it and the result was that It raised when targets get distance.
please if you can correct it or have another code please help me.
i think it take a lot to find proper code.
@DankeOlli thank you
This is an old Thread but, I tried to figure out the same thing. I found it pretty handy to create single Variables for the movement along each axis and combine them in an additional variable as @snowflake suggested.
@SnoWFLakE0s yeah that another true story but ishuax idea true
Thanks for spending time teaching me more intresting funky trees
Are you student?
Try doing the trigonometry:
to all of them to obtain x / y / z target speed@Huax yeah after try and error i made a right code
Thanks a lot for spending time teach me new things
Can you go check the post, since a long expression will almost always contain spelling problem. Variable system is awesome for this reason.
@Huax sorry but it does not work can you please send a proper text that i can copy and paste
@Huax does it have two pow at first?
@Huax thanks i will test it and check your post
Also, I have a build with advanced targeting which is
All About your Target
You can check it out as it includes target maximal acceleration/g, maximal altitude/velocity, current velocity/altitude, current heading/pitch angle.
I don’t understand why your codes are like that but anyways.
So the relative Alt/Lat/Longitude to you is
Lat: cos(TargetHeading)cos(TargetElevation)TargetDistance
Long: same as Lat except it is sin(TargetHeading) instead of cos
Alt: sin(TargetElevation)*TargetDistance
However, you are moving aren’t you?
So we need to add your own displacement there
Target’s absolute position is
well, basically the relative ones add to Lat/Long/Altitude
Then you square root the sum of their square.
You final equation will be
please help