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Multiple arguments in Overload

1,236 IMULAerospaceIndustries  3.3 years ago

So this relates to the stall light post I made last week. That issue got resolved and it’s working perfectly now so I removed the post. Now in trying to make it not flicker literally all the time when your TAS is less than 40 MPH (18 m/s). I checked a few other planes I know for a fact have multiple arguments in for XML attributes (like the new Wasp that uses ABC : XYZ). I tried using “TAS<18 : Throttle=0” but it didn’t work, the light just stays off all the time. Any ideas?

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    @IMULAerospaceIndustries Late reply, sorry.
    Glad I could help, even if the code was simple and not that smart outside of its job.

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    Testing in progress; stand by.
    Testing complete! Worked perfectly first try. Thanks!

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    Tried this?

    Tas<18 & Throttle =0? 1 : 0

    Rather dumb code, but should work (I suppose).

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    I have the light itself blinking the way I want it to. The TAS<18 by itself works perfectly, I just need it to come on when TAS<18 AND Throttle=0, so basically two entirely separate arguments. @InsertNameHere01

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    It cant read it properly, If my memory serves me right.

    I assume you want it to output 0 when Tas is under 18m/s, in that case:
    TAS < 18? [Put the output you want here if Tas under 18m/s] : [put output you want here if Tas is NOT under 18m/s so it will be different than the first output]

    +1 3.3 years ago