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Does anyone know any dev commands

1,555 magicorn777  3.3 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    • A single greater than sign will show a list of components on the root game objects. When appended to the end of a command string selecting a game object, it will show a list of components attached to that game object.

      • A double greater than sign will show a list of all components in the scene. When appended to the end of a command string selecting a game object, it will show a list of all components attached to any child game object of the selected object.

        . - A single period after a command string selecting a game object or component will show a list of all public methods, properties, and fields on that object.

        .. - A double period after a command string selecting a game object or component will show a list of all public and private methods, properties, and fields on that object.

        Methods on game objects and components can be invoked using the commands above using the same approach for passing arguments to commands that was discussed above. Selecting a field or property and submitting the command will return the value of that member (using the ToString() method to display it in the console). Selecting a field or property and passing an argument of the appropriate type will set that member to the specified value.

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    The Developer Console
    Hitting the ` key will open up the developer console. The developer console will show all calls made to the various Debug.Log methods. It will not start tracking log statements however until it is opened at least once during the game session. Clicking on the text of a log entry should open a details panel below with additional details on the log entry and/or any truncated text of the log message if it was too long.

    The input field of the console provides the ability to execute commands. The up/down arrows allow you to cycle through recent commands. There are only a few built in commands (so far).

    ClearLog - Clears any messages currently in the log.
    Help - Provides help information for the dev console (make sure to click the entry for details).
    Pause - Pauses the game
    Unpause - Unpauses the game
    The console also provides the ability for mods to register custom commands. The DevConsole service in the mod API contains methods for registering and unregistering commands. Make sure to unregister your commands when appropriate to avoid memory leaks!

    When invoking commands with command line arguments, the arguments must follow the command and be separated with spaces. If the argument includes spaces, it should be wrapped in quotes. Not all argument types are supported by the dev console (most of the basics should be covered though). If a command requires an argument type that is not currently supported, the DevConsole service in the mod API allows for the registration of custom argument parsers.

    The other major feature of the dev console is allowing users to explore the game object hierarchy and interact with those game objects and components. The following list of commands provide an auto-complete popup dialog that allows users to find game objects and components in the scene as well as invoke methods, on those objects and get or set fields and properties.

    / - A single forward slash shows the list of root game objects. When appended to the end of a command string selecting a game object or component, it will show a list of immediate child game objects of the selected object.
    // - A double forward slash shows the list of all game objects in the scene. When appended to the end of a command string selecting a game object or component, it will show a list of all child game objects of the selected object.

    • A single greater than sign will show a list of components on the root game objects. When appended to the end of a command string selec
    +1 3.3 years ago
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    7,366 Bellcat

    When you have the MP mod, some commands are added onto the console. Connect (Insert_IP_adress_here) allows you tp connect to the designated IP adress you typed in. Say "(Insert_words_here) allows you to chat in MP.

    +1 3.3 years ago