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Question about rotor/eletric engines

28.7k Dragoranos  3.3 years ago

Im testing a ultralight plane that uses rotors to power it because fuel is heavy, but it barely keeps the speed of the plane, looks like its justo too fast spining the props.

the funky tree i use is
Imput x32
Speed 100%

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    28.7k Dragoranos

    @zwen thanks! Also, for some reason the freespin rotator does increase a lot the RPM

    3.3 years ago
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    1,169 zwen

    @Dragorans it works and works surprisingly well! I honestly never thought about this configuration, but I also made two modifications here. Basically I changed the rotator to 180degrees and change the blade angles to 30deg. Now you can take off from the runway. Advance to 20% throttle until 50knots and then use full throttle. It can reach 550kts.

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    @zwen updated funky tree to one that works

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos


    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    @zwen i will post my testbed

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    @zwen no :(

    3.3 years ago
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    1,169 zwen

    Does this one work for you?

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    @zwen i will try to increase the drag

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    @zwen the liftScale do not work
    I tried 248383474775585874733484475 times to put liftScale and still the same

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    @zwen im at the last 1.10, so i think it works

    3.3 years ago
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    1,169 zwen

    This is the XML code. If it's an older version of SP, I do not know if it works

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    @zwen q and the engine I made seems to have "optimal speed" and when it's at it, it works fine, but a little bit after that it stops generating propulsion.

    I forgot to specify that I have a freespin rotor behind the main rotor so as not to transfer torque from the engine to the plane, but I think that rotor is one of the sources of problems, but when i remove it it turns into a hand spinner

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    I do not updated because google playstore does not want to update it, it just says i do not have HD Space!


    Can you pls just tell me the funky tree code

    3.3 years ago
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    1,169 zwen

    @Dragorans check this example. Hope it helps

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    @zwen and i try to put liftScale but the overload doesn't accept the input idk

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    1: I like to use the old bigger rotator because its more stable, it just does not explode unlike the slim one.

    2: im a mobile player, did you forgot 1.9?

    3.3 years ago
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    1,169 zwen

    By the way, how did you not explode the rotator when it's spinning at 100??? I usually keep the input like sum(Throttle * 8) and speed at 5. Did you use any mods?

    3.3 years ago
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    1,169 zwen

    @Dragorans NACAPROP is a type of wing that SP used for prop engines. You can edit it with Overload on the Wings page. There's not a lot of differences between NACAPROP and Symmetric. NACAPROP also produces less force than Symmetric, but it does not stall whatsoever. So it makes the rotor perform better at low speeds.

    3.3 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    Ok, but, NACAPROP?

    3.3 years ago
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    1,169 zwen

    I assume you are using rotators to spin wing blades. If that's correct, you need to place them in pairs to prevent spinning. Then try to change the wing type to NACAPROP which has better high AOA performance. Also, add a line in the "WIngs" section in Overload specifying liftScale to something like 5 or 10. Hope this helps!

    3.3 years ago