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Text Label Inputs and Formatting

102 Schiwi17  3.2 years ago

Hello, i'm pretty new to the game and was wondering what formatting do the text labels use, and what inputs can be used here. I noticed that some of the new stock airplanes have text labels that imitate screens in their cockpits, and noticed that they can be made to vary in glow, change their size and some even have depleting bars on them. I have been copy-pasting them in my own airplanes, but i also want to make my own. I know that the variable text is done via FunkyTrees, and i have a basic understanding on it, but the changing glow for example, while i sorta know how to do it, i don't really understand it. also, writing things like "<b>" or "<smallcaps>" change the text, making it bold or in smallcaps respectively, and i want to know what other "text modifiers" are there, and if it's possible, how to make text have transparency. Also want to know what other FT variables can be shown in the labels, and how to make the depleting bars. If this question has already been asked and answered, or if there's a guide or video on how to do all this, please post the link to it.

Sorry for the long post, but thanks to those who read and answer it.

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    15.0k ChamDel78

    @Schiwi17 make a plane

    2.5 years ago
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    @zwen thanks dude

    3.2 years ago
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    102 Schiwi17

    @zwen Thank you so much!

    3.2 years ago
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    1,169 zwen

    I believe this is the TextMesh Pro document you wanted. You can use {FTcode} to substitute the number after the equal sign, or {FTcode ? "<color=>" : "<color>"} to substitute some tags.

    +3 3.2 years ago