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Custom Missile Movable Parts

102 Schiwi17  3.3 years ago

Hello again, i am making some custom missile models for my airplanes, and one of them is a cruise missile. I want to make it with foldable wings, but was wodering if there is a way (FunkyTrees?) to automatically open the wings when the missile is launched.


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    (sorry for the bad english)

    1.6 years ago
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    if you can be there this guy( LeonardoEngineering ) who made a cruise missile with automatic wing deployment

    1.6 years ago
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    102 Schiwi17

    I did it! You have to make the wing out of fuselage blocks, connect it to a floppy hinge rotator, then at the very end attach very small wings, but don't deactivate their drag nor physics, and when everything is ready, attach the fuselage wings to the upper part of the detacher (it has to be connected to work). While the missile is not launched, the wings will keep closed due to the detacher connection, but when the missile launches, the detacher disconnects from the fuselage wings, and the little wings will make the fuselage wings open up due to their physics. The problem that i had is that i didn't remove the detacher's force, and that made the whole thing launch up, crashing into the airplane. For some reason i couldn't edit the detacher's force once it was connected, so i had to redo that part, but i got it to work. Not sure if what i said it's understandable, but i'll come back tomorrow and fix it in case it isn't (it's very late now where i live). Thanks so much to everyone that helped me!

    +2 3.3 years ago
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    102 Schiwi17

    I found out how to do it, but have yet to found out how to not self destroy myself on launch. Still, it's a step forward

    3.3 years ago
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    102 Schiwi17

    @plane634 Thanks! I asked the creator how he did it, so i'll wait for a reply

    3.3 years ago
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    23.9k plane634

    idk how to explain it but this paveway might be your answer, it automatically deploys the rear fins when fired, it doesn't used FunkyTrees though

    3.3 years ago
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    102 Schiwi17

    Sadly it didn't work, thanks for the help though

    3.3 years ago
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    14.3k Griffon1

    @Schiwi17 alright. I unfortunately cannot make any guarantees though lol

    3.3 years ago
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    102 Schiwi17

    @Griffon1 Thanks! I'm also out now, i'll try when i get home

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    14.3k Griffon1

    I think it is possible. I'd say it would go something like this:
    clamp01(sum(SelectedWeaponName=(Weapon Name)?(TargetDistance<(Range of Weapon)?:(clamp01(sum(FireWeapons)):0):0):0))
    Replace Weapon Name with the desired weapon's name, and replace Range of Weapon with it's range (In meters)
    It'll only work if there is only one missile on the plane, I think.
    I'm not at home at the moment so I cant actually test if this works or not.

    3.3 years ago