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*Suggestion* Hollow Fusealages

5,693 DunhamAeroCo  9.2 years ago

In the next update, hollow fusealages should be added, so planes with bombays will be easier to make and better looking. Also bombay doors themselves should be added aswell.

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    1,634 Hazo

    Hollow these late should become the new bouyant fueselage. It would also mean that instead of adding deadweight in front of the plane, taking away weight in the back of the plane.@ronyseptian17 @Skua

    9.2 years ago
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    Moreover for building wheels!:)

    9.2 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    I know it's not quite the same, but bombs do work if clipped inside fuselage sections. In the mean time we'll have to stick to structural panels for our weapon bay needs.

    9.2 years ago