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Please help

1,718 Usatiger  3.3 years ago

How do you add a screenshot on a post

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    1,718 Usatiger

    @FeatherWing oh thanks

    3.3 years ago
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    23.9k FeatherWing


    You take a picture of it and just upload. You get the option to upload thumbnail images when you do. I recommend taking screenshots in-game and then using the blueprint tool in the designer to have custom thumbnail images.

    3.3 years ago
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    1,718 Usatiger

    @FeatherWing not on a forum on like how you take ss of a plane when uploading i mean like that. Like an image that isn't one of those (sorry if its a bit confusing idk how to explain it)

    3.3 years ago
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    23.9k FeatherWing

    ![](*image address/link*)

    You need to put the image on an image hosting website or on Discord.
    Also, if you use a website, sometimes the image address needs to start with something like http, without the S.

    +1 3.3 years ago