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Tips for building for VR

Dev AndrewGarrison  3.3 years ago

I have been having a blast checking out your builds in VR. The creativity of this community never ceases to amaze me and looking at what you have built-in VR takes it to a whole new level. I know most of you don’t have access to SPVR yet, so I have been leaving comments when I notice something that might improve the VR experience. I hope I'm not coming across as rude! I'm really just trying to help and I'm learning as I see more in VR. Here are some tips and common issues I’ve noticed.


The biggest issue is scale. I know it’s hard to know how things will look in VR if you can’t strap on a headset and take a look for yourself, but I would suggest keeping the seat, joystick, and throttle parts at 100% scale to feel best in VR. I've seen several cockpits where things look very small and some where everything looks way too big. If you use the seat at 100% scale as your reference, it should help to create nicely sized cockpits. We will see what we can do to help with getting the scale right in a future update.


I’ve seen several cockpits that are too shallow on the y-axis which causes the seat to be too high. Everything else may look okay, but the seat might be as high as my chest and there’s no room in the cockpit for my legs, which feels a little strange in VR and can break the immersion somewhat.


Ideally, the player shouldn’t have to open the pop-up radial menu to enable an activation group. There should really be a switch, button, lever, etc in the cockpit for any function the craft is capable of doing.


Switches and buttons without labels next to them should make use of the tooltip property to explain their function. Also, a tooltip like "Activation Group 1" is not as helpful as something like "Jettison Weapons." For buttons that are cosmetic only and don’t have a function, something like “N/A” is helpful so the player knows it’s not supposed to do anything.


Add buttons somewhere in the cockpit for Next Target, Next Weapon, and Cycle Targeting Mode for crafts with weapons. It's extra nice when there’s a label part showing the currently selected weapon. Once again, this helps to keep the player out of the pop-up radial menu.


The old cockpit parts shouldn't be used if you're making an immersive cockpit. Use the new Flight Computer (tucked out of sight), as the primary cockpit and a first-person camera for the cockpit view. The new seat parts come bundled with a camera to help accomplish this.


Wheels are sometimes jittery on the Quest headset. This is because the Quest uses mobile Low-Quality Physics. We're investigating if we can do anything to improve this, but it might be worth testing your craft on a phone in low-quality physics to see how it behaves on the runway. If it is jittery, then one way to improve this is to add dead weight to the wheel assemblies.


Check the hand pose preview on levers and other flight controls in the designer. I've noticed a lot of levers that are backward and it makes the player's hand appear backward when grabbed in VR.


I've seen several broken airspeed gauges that just spin and don't correctly report the airspeed. Not just airspeed, but other gauges as well. Ensure that you are selecting the Airspeed Gauge Type and not Face Type. Face Type should only be changed when you are doing something custom.


Don't put a dummy in the cockpit seat because it can obstruct the view in VR.


If I notice more stuff, I’ll add it to the list above. Whenever we run across a craft that works well in VR, a curator will mark it as curated. This means that it will show up for players browsing crafts in SPVR. By default, players won’t be able to see non-curated crafts in SPVR, but if they log into their account they can download anything they want. We’re hoping to have a reasonable set of curated crafts by the time SPVR launches. To this aim, we are going double the points for every upvote a craft receives while it is curated. This is a limited-time offer and will only be in effect until SPVR is released.


To make it easier to respond to feedback about your crafts, we are adding a way to upload new XML to an existing craft post. There will be a new Upload XML option just under the Edit link for your post. We'll even hold onto the previous versions in case you ever need them again for some reason. This should hopefully make it easier to respond to player feedback without needing to create a brand new post. I’m hoping to get this feature out later this week.

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  • Profile image
    1,515 QazEEqaZ

    Why isnt this pinned?

    1.2 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison And yes you can put a dummy in a seat/in the way of a camera, as long as you have a piston that has a input of the camera that will be obstructed so that it push or pulls the dummy out of the way right when you go into VR view.

    1.7 years ago
  • Profile image
    319k WinsWings

    Plane flying without a pilot looks weared. Can SP add pilot like adding Astronaut in SimpleRocket?

    1.9 years ago
  • Profile image

    Can you move free floating hinges if there's a joystick to move it, like a free floating gun?

    1.9 years ago
  • Profile image
    3,043 Havonec

    @tehoh you cant.

    +1 2.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    0 tehoh

    How do you make a plane? I'm on the quest version

    +1 2.6 years ago
  • Profile image
    15.8k Johnnyynf

    About the glitching wheels
    It's time to fix the wheel and soft connection issue isn't it wink wink

    +4 3.2 years ago
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    How do you make a gun follow your camera pov

    3.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    41.9k Ren

    @AndrewGarrison A few people on my discord server were saying there's a 1.12 beta on iOS, including several images for proof. Any ideas as to when this will come to android?

    3.2 years ago
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    844 NavalCG

    Can you add a tip for making gunners like those on the Gator 2?

    3.2 years ago
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    12.7k JuanShot2Go

    @V Will do. Thanks!

    3.2 years ago
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    38.2k V

    @JuanShot2Go try out the aircraft in the VRchat test pilots world, you wont be dissapointed. just make sure to disable the AoA limiters

    3.2 years ago
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    12.7k JuanShot2Go

    @V OK. If they look fine in your VR headset then my advice may be out of date. It was something I noticed when I creating my first VR UIX on the 1st gen CV1 headsets. Compared to controls created for normal PC displays I found that I had to make everything bigger. I remember feeling like a 3 year old trying to grapple with fine objects. If you are able to get them, reference the games "VTOL VR" and "UTLRAWINGS" for a good comparison. (SImpleplanes VR is going to be soooo much better)

    3.2 years ago
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    52.5k Ahtzee

    oh well... it seems like a universal problem. just hope the devs can come up with a fix. otherwise, thousands of creations would have to be individually fixed, which wouldn't be fun.

    3.2 years ago
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    I can’t wait for it SimplePlanes to come out on VR but I aggravated an idea for mobile, the developers should add MayWar island I think this would so much so. If this was added I wouldn’t have to keep attacking the ones an the valley by Yeager airfield, because it’s not that easy to blow up the convoy without crashing, I would really love to see this.

    3.2 years ago
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    38.2k V

    @Ahtzee the wheel issue is a low physics thing, suspension springs also behave very differently in low physics

    3.2 years ago
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    38.2k V

    @JuanShot2Go there is a scale option in fine tuner and overload. From experience, they look fine

    3.2 years ago
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    4,865 Captain247

    Yes you should make something so there can be audio warnings or different engine sounds etc. make the game more appealing audio wise

    3.3 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison I have a suggestion for you to add to the game its Alarms like Terrain terrain pull up pull up! WOOPS WOOPS TERRAIN TERRAIN PULL UP

    3.3 years ago
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    1,960 Theuk31

    Could you add an RPM gauge for other engines other than the heli rotors and can we assign them to specific engines like how we can assign a specific wheel to one certain engine?

    Also an easy customizable airspeed indicator where we can set our own speeds Vne, Vfe, ect, should be cool.

    3.3 years ago
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    7,373 Bellcat

    What is an “Edit link”? Please clarify.

    3.3 years ago
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    @Default4 i know that whould make somthing that ime working on a lot easer

    3.3 years ago
  • Profile image
    26.3k Default4

    We need a slding option for the canopy, I don't like how it can only open vertically.

    3.3 years ago
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    48.7k Sm10684

    Surely nice knight has that covered. @KfcGaming

    3.3 years ago
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    5,785 XiliamXD

    True my a400m gauges all at once started spinning like they r all altitude meter

    3.3 years ago
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