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Air Density as a Variable/How is drag calculated for parts and wings? (also activation group suggestion)

1,654 WacoTaco  3.3 years ago

See final paragraph for suggestion.

So, in effect, I am trying to use the available parameters to create a high-functionality control surface motor system. I am trying to actually do the math to figure out the force of drag of a deflected control surface and how it has to move to produce the correct attitude delta. Is it safe to assume that the air density will always be 29.92mm/hg, is it modeled as a function of altitude, or is there another standard set of values used for calculating the effectiveness of control surfaces?

(Or perhaps it is simply a function of angle of attack and velocity, which may or may not be helpful)

I guess I am curious to know how the application calculates surface drag/control efficiency. It would make sense if it was simplified, since the game is mobile-available and constantly calculating the (infinitely variable) drag for three hundred parts would probably toast a telephone.

I will at some point perfect fly-by-wire! I do not have the proper understanding of the code to do so (and probably won't soon), but I am determined.

Also, as it stands, if you create a custom activation group (Activate9,10,11,etc.), the input for the device used (i.e., a button, switch, etc.) is persistent after activation despite the device resetting immediately. I think an interesting addition to the function of activation groups would be the option to set the persistence of the device in addition to the persistence of the activation group. Right now, custom activation groups are only useful for one-and-done events, like jettisoning stores or ejecting, but not for toggles like lights, probes, hooks, engines, etc. I think adding the attributes above to activators and activations could do a lot of good for the new cockpit functionality and VR users.