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How Update 1.7 Should Have Been

104 Tom8os  3.3 years ago

For a long time I always felt that the game's damage model was lacking. When Update 1.7 "Damage Control" dropped it was definitely an improvement, but I still feel like there could be potential for a whole rework of how this game handles aircraft damage.

Here is what I think the damage model should be. Certain parts cannot be completely destroyed by damage received from guns and missiles, rather, when the part's "HP" decreases it heavily affects aerodynamic performance. The only parts that can be truly "destroyed" or break off the aircraft are wing pieces, landing gear, control surfaces, and only when receiving extensive damage (Except for glass parts). An aircraft would be considered destroyed if a wing is broken off, the tail is broken off, extensive damage is received to the fuselage, or the cockpit/seat takes too much damage (Simulating pilot death). To top it off you then of course keep the current special damage system where engines can catch fire, wings leak fuel or catch fire, and gizmos can become jammed. This would make shooting down enemy aircraft much more satisfying seeing them plummet out of the sky rather than exploding into a bunch of pieces and losing all of its momentum.

As for crashes, it could work just fine. Upon a collision the damage model acts as normal except for if you crash at an extremely high speed, in which the entire aircraft would just explode.

"But what about using fuselage pieces for wings, gear, and details?" I hear you say, and fear not because I have a solution: A part damage properties setting. This would be a simple setting where you can select how a fuselage piece acts in the damage model. For instance, if you set a fuselage piece to act as a "wing" then the wing damage model would be applied. This could even work for making an entire tail section be broken off if damaged enough. For added convenience, you can make it so any parts you attach to a piece will automatically be given the damage model setting of the parent piece.

Also, if people don't want the new damage model, then you can add a "Classic" damage setting, where the part behaves exactly like it does now when receiving damage.

This is only my suggestion for how damage should be, and I am sure there are some flaws in there, which feel free to point out and suggest a solution for. I doubt the devs will consider this any time soon, but it is just food for thought on a way to improve the game.

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    7,366 Bellcat

    Some parts jitter and get a bit off the usual place if the craft bumps the ground fast enough. This can be seen on parts connected to rotators where they are not connected to the main fuselage and as such are not so rigid.

    +1 3.3 years ago