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The future is now

283 Danidude88  3.2 years ago

Hi everyone, here are some suggestions for future updates to this amazing game: 1: Tank Tracks. This is probably a common suggestion, but I do wish I could use tank tracks in the base game, as I am on iOS and can’t use mods. 2: camera and video. I know there are already cameras in the game, but I wish there were screens that could display said video, for example having a camera on a defensive turret but being able to see the video feed in FPV cockpit. Would fit really well with the recent cockpit update, SPVR, and my next point: 3. Manually Guided Weapons. Imagine you are a pilot, and you drop a guided bomb, and you could steer it on it’s way down. Or maybe an anti-tank guided missile that you can control with just the crosshair, or something like that. I don’t really know for this last suggestion, but I just wanted to have 3 suggestions not 2. Also, I am not a programmer so I have -57 idea how to add these or if they even can be added. See ya, Daniel.