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Medevac/Air Ambulance Challenge results!

23.9k FeatherWing  3.2 years ago

Good day to the Simpleplanes community.

This forum post consists of the results of the Medevac/Air Ambulance Challenge.

If you have any questions, like if you want to know more about the results on one of your entries, don't be afraid to ask.
Ok, here we go:


RUH-58 Samaritan


-Design: 10/10
-Performance: 8.5/10
-Detail: 7.5/10
-Build Quality: 8/10
-My Impressions: 9/10
-Presentation: 9/10
[Total: 52/60]


ARH-76 Airwagon


-Design: 10/10
-Performance: 7.5/10
-Detail: 9/10
-Build Quality: 8.5/10
-My Impressions: 9/10
-Presentation: 7/10
[Total: 51/60]




-Design: 8.5/10
-Performance: 9/10
-Detail: 3/10
-Build Quality: 3/10
-My Impressions: 7/10
-Presentation: 7.5/10
[Total: 38 - 3.5 = 34.5/60]
(Points reducted for part count violation)


Medevac.Air Ambulance Challenge v1.2


-Design: 9/10
-Performance: 7.5/10
-Detail: 2/10
-Build Quality: 2/10
-My Impressions: 6.5/10
-Presentation: 1.5/10
[Total: 28.5 - 5 = 23.5/60]
(Points reducted for part count violation)


Ic6-KI_Golden Eagle3 - Rescue Variant


-Design: 9/10
-Performance: 5/10
-Detail: 3/10
-Build Quality: 3.5/10
-My Impressions: 5/10
-Presentation: 2/10
[Total: 27.5 - 5.5 = 22/60]
(Points reducted for part count violation and not having controls listed)

Thank you to those that entered, have a good day.

(Note: Entries that were disqualified for having too low of a part count were not included)

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    1,326 ZHD


    3.2 years ago
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    Thanks 👍

    3.2 years ago
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    36.3k Icey21

    @FeatherWing holy crap that screenshot of my plane you made looks great!

    edit: I'm surprised my "Emergency supplies deliverer" made it here.

    3.2 years ago
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    23.9k FeatherWing


    3.2 years ago
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    23.9k FeatherWing


    3.2 years ago