... but... I don't think you understand the definition of a ripoff. A ripoff isn't a unique creation using a name on it, then it would just be fictional
A ripoff is like making a Cessna 172, but not to the exactness of it, like adding your own details
@LieutenantSOT ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh good point tbh
But nonetheless, this is cool, dude!
... but... I don't think you understand the definition of a ripoff. A ripoff isn't a unique creation using a name on it, then it would just be fictional
A ripoff is like making a Cessna 172, but not to the exactness of it, like adding your own details
@meteorbook345 E X A C T L Y
@Bobyo but if it’s a ripoff what is it a ripoff of? Cessna doesn’t have any single engine low wing turboprops
@meteorbook345 if it's homemade it's a ripoff
@Bobyo then why is it called a Cessna? They don’t make kit planes
@meteorbook345 exactly. It's homemade
Idk what cessna this is but it's not a cessna