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How to interpolate data to find a functional relationship?

1,654 WacoTaco  3.2 years ago

In effect, I am trying to get 'y' as a function of 'x' and have experimental datapoints that depict a root function curve. I don't know what the details of that curve are, and I was curious if anyone had recommendations for what tools to use to interpolate that function. This would actually help me with a lot of flight characteristics if I could figure it out.

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    1,654 WacoTaco

    @SnoWFLakE0s I'll check that out, much obliged.

    3.2 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    Desmos is probably your go to for free online graphing calculators. They have regression built in, and it's easy to set up.

    3.2 years ago
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    1,654 WacoTaco

    @SnoWFLakE0s ah, but you see! I don't have a graphing calculator, and I am not well acquainted with that type of math. Perhaps there's a free calc online that could help? I want the function I get from the data to be as perfect as possible since there's already a small margin of error in the data points.

    3.2 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    Alternatively you could just adjust function transforms till you get a roughly good fit.

    3.2 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    This is just... Basic regression. Use a graphing calculator, or you could calculate the regression yourself...

    3.2 years ago