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AG suggestions for A6M Zero?

5,503 gadg3tmusic  3.2 years ago

I am working on a slightly updated version of my recently-released Zero model. For this version I have decided I wanted to make this version 100% mobile friendly, and that means removing mods. In doing so, I removed the cabin light which takes up AG7. All other AGs are full and operational, so I come to the community for suggestions that could fill the place of this AG7.

Current AGs for reference:
1 - Wing lights
2 - Arresting hook
3 - Folding wingtips
4 - Drop fuel tank
5 - Toggle nose guns
6 - Toggle wing guns
7 - N/A
8 - Activate / Kill engine

Any suggestions for features the Zero may have?

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    5,503 gadg3tmusic

    @F104Deathtrap good idea :)

    3.2 years ago
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    Put the important stuff like drop tanks, tail hook on AG1 and 2, and put the silly stuff like lights on AG4, 5, 6 etc.

    Having AG's for the guns is only necessary if you have turrets etc.

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    +2 3.2 years ago