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2,353 TheAlpha1TEST  3.2 years ago

Hi, I am people that now lose and keep losing my motivation to build, share, and others. I am losing motivation, anyone can give me some motivation.

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    @GeneralPatrick2 Thanks

    3.2 years ago
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    i know how you feel, and what i suggest is to try doing something you like with this game. if that doesn't help, you might need to take a break, and come back when you feel ready to do things again

    3.2 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    Mate, you can’t lose motivation. You have to push forward, idk what your life is like but go keep in shape, you don’t have to be buff but I hear it helps, life is tough and it is for everyone some people have it easier but there’s always hard moments. Some people are tougher than others in these moments but it’s a choice, you gonna be down and be beat? Or you gonna give life the finger get yo life straight and push on like so many of the famous people you read about?

    +1 3.2 years ago