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How can I connect a gauge to a jet engine?

48.6k MonikaAkiyama  3.1 years ago

I don't know if this makes me dumb but I want to connect a gauge to a jet engine but I don't know how to connect it. I know that it's thrust but it couldn't be connected while the props with the Rpm connects very well

The code that I attempted to use at the gauge is


It's basically similar to

abs(Rpm1/1200) found in Twin Prop stock plane

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    1,654 Kleesmilie

    You first need to assign a variable-name to which the engine can write its thrust value. Select the jet engine, open the rotation menu (arrow rotating right), select the topmost option [(x)], and assign the desired variable-name to the thrust output. This variable will then have the thrust of the engine in newtons, unless you overwrite it with something else. Check out some of my VR crafts to see this in action. This craft demonstrates, how you can do it with prop engines (and how you can implement turning on and off each individual engine). This craft does the same with jet engines.

    +1 3.1 years ago