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Andrew the tight lipped game dev (a Christmas carol)

38.2k V  3.2 years ago

Im making it a tradition now for me to make a simpleplanes Christmas carol. You can find last year's one in my profile somewhere, im too lazy to find it right now.

This year's Christmas carol is a parody on Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, and actually still works pretty well. Theres one confusing line in the middle that i cant find a good replacement for, as the flow of the song had to be kept. As for flow, this song is structured exactly like the original, and can be sung as such! Go ahead and quietly sing it to yourself, comon, you can do it.

Now for the song!

Andrew the tight lipped game dev

You know Joey and Hellfire and SnowFLaKE and Vincent,
SR and Bogdan and Spefy and kennneth,
But do you recall,
The most famous user of all?

Andrew the tight lipped game dev,
He was a very secretive man,
He never posted any-thing,
So the community belived in lies.

All of the oth-er dev team,
Went on to follow his lead,
they never have any-thing let slip,
So we all be-gan to leave.

Then one dreary Christmas eve,
The dev team came to say,
"Andrew with your doors shut so tight, why not give a peek tonight?"

When the community saw it,
They all shouted with glee
(with glee!)
This new simpleplanes up-date,
Is the greatest in his-tor-y!

Andrew the tight lipped game dev,
He was a very secretive man,
He never posted any-thing,
So the community belived in lies.

All of the oth-er dev team,
Went on to follow his lead,
they never have any-thing let slip,
So we all be-gan to leave

Then one dreary Christmas eve,
The dev team came to say,
"Andrew with your doors shut so tight, why not give a peek tonight?"

When the community saw it,
They all shouted with glee
(with glee!)
This new simpleplanes up-date,
Is the greatest in his-tor-y!

Also, an update on Simplecheats 2, i have 6 parts left to add to the list, and then all i have to do after that is write the introduction and im done. Maybe i can finish it off in time for it to be a christmas present.
