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SIMPLEPLANES updates in 2022

54.9k MVC  3.2 years ago

In 2021 there have been many updates SP has become better, I'm glad of it,buuut...

First of all, this game is about airplanes, but there was a place for ships, tanks and of course cars in it. Tahere is not a single game that would allow me to create with a car that I want, but SP also sets the limits.
And so, as a car lover , I want to see updates related to them in 2022 , namely:

1physics of wheels and engine.

the game has the simplest arcade wheel physics.but in reality, cars at different engine speeds have different power and the wheels will not slip if you do not spin the engine.I can control the car all the time, but I can't do it when there is a certain value in the settings

2sound engine and gearbox

everyone who has used a motor for cars in the game knows that if you press the gas , it will not be a beautiful sound that will reach its peak and nothing else happens.the sound of the engine in the game does not look like a real one, it is the buzzing of a bee.I would like a settings menu where I could adjust the volume, tonality, aggressiveness of the sound.I also want to say that you need to simulate the gear changes so that the sound changes during acceleration, this will add drive.

3rims and tires

in SR2, this problem was partially changed, but here it remained.I have never seen such high tires and wheels of such a small radius on sports cars, but we have no way out.we have to pile the fuselages on the wheel so that we get something that will lag later, I can't run over an obstacle?!?!

4instrument scales

it 's not very critical , but I can 't use the speedometer from the plane, I want my tachometer to spin not up to 6,000, but only up to 4,000, because I have a diesel car.of course I can do it manually, but why did the planes get this function and the cars didn't?


I hope my wishes will be heard, I think it's not difficult to do all this, you just need a desire

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    54.9k MVC

    I am waiting for the opinion of the players, especially those who are passionate about building cars

    Pinned 3.2 years ago
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    you can use funky expressions to code a gearbox

    2.7 years ago
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    10.6k LowtusF139

    @OfeliaCochran 1. This post was made after 1.12, the update where custom rims are introduced in SP, so this post makea little to no senses at the 3rd part
    2. That link is sus

    2.9 years ago
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    2,410 Destroyer08

    I wish they add ability to resize the rims, change its appearance, add pressure on wheels, add FT inputs to it, so we can assign controls like, custom brakes etc...

    Torque option for Engine and not on wheels,...

    An exhaust parts, maybe a particle emitter, so we can make custom exhaust,

    Ball Joint, so we can create suspension linkage without using too much hinges to mimic ball joint articulation...

    3.1 years ago
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    494 Exefune

    @Johnnyynf I hope that in future updates they will put an editor mode to create missions, challenges and campaigns, and if they can, a map creator. But I think that with the terms of the cars, it is necessary to seriously fix the tires that are very basic and the engine, with this it would be something basic but it would greatly improve the game.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    4,129 arcticfox123

    I think need to add something to the simple plans
    1. physics of mechanics, for example, the operation of cardan shafts
    2. hitboxes of things corresponding to their shape and diameter (there is a hole in the empty fuselage)
    3. sliding of the fezulages on the fezulage (as in piston engines in the real world)
    4. transmission of rotation by means of wheels. or endless rotation of the rotor.

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    54.9k MVC

    @Johnnyynf yes , I agree, most of all there are not enough hinges and a differential that distributes power to the wheels separately, but this mechanism is generally rare for games

    3.2 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    I think with point 1, currently in SP there's some kind of spin prevent mechanism built into the ingame engine, so you introduce enough slip (turning), the engine will automatically cut power

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    I think for car building there are a few points I have thought of

    not a feature, but a bug fix:
    Currently, there's no way to add input to the brake of the wheel, it only be applied by pressing the brake, and can not control by FT input.

    1. Ball joint
      because the ball joint

    2. A drive train system
      Drag and drop drive train, that has spinning animation, and we can connect one end on transmission, one end to diff (and have settings on trans and diff), and finally to a wheel or a block (for making engine prop using engine power).

    3. A holo rim for the wheel with physical tire model
      holo in the middle so we can make our own spoke
      and we can customize how's the rim size, how tall the sidewall, compound, tire pressure, and maybe the curvature of the tire.
      Because the deformation of the tire and change in contact pach is also an important part of suspension

    4. engine mapping
      It will be a nice opportunity to teach everyone how ICB works
      Although I don't expect the level of detail like in automation.

    5. fixing the soft connection or at least have the option of having stronger soft connection without haveing to add weight

    But still, I think if we want SP to attract more crowds, this will not be the priority.
    I think what will make more new player is the ability for custom made missions, campaigns, challenges, and races so the player has something to do with their build

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    Not a really big car lover, but I very much agree. Especially wheel physics.
    In case you didn't know, if you mirror a wheel to the other side, it'll steer to wherever side you last mirrored it. It isn't too noticeable if you're making a car, but if you're making planes with custom landing gears, it is very noticeable. This can be fixed by tuning down the sideways traction. But that causes another problem. Massive understeer. Not only that, if you steer too much, you will drift. This is super annoying.

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    10.6k LowtusF139

    I approve this, as someone who build solely Formula cars

    +1 3.2 years ago