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hello guys, i'm back!

3,055 FabioGalvao  3.2 years ago

Hey guys, how are you?, well I don't know if you guys still remember me, but it feels like I've been gone for several months in the past few months, and it seems like there's a lot of reasons for that.

Reason one: Schools are mandatory now, I'm on vacation now, so I'm having time to say this, but before it was almost every day, so it was really hard to talk to you guys.

second reason: my computer was crashing a lot due to the new update I made in Windows 11, even Windows Explorer crashed too, the computer didn't even show the icons on my computer.

Third reason: I was losing cool building ideas to you guys mainly for the other factor, my ideas would be pretty hard to do in a game like this, I know how to do some cool stuff, but revolutionary stuff would be pretty hard.

Fourth reason: I wasn't getting the new Simpleplanes update or the VR so I was left out too.

I'll try to appear more often on this site, but if it takes a while it's because something happened, as for the reasons above.
while that futuristic house I promised I would bring I'll post them maybe today, but it's not complete, it's just her project "ready" in quotes, so if you want to fill it with furniture, yes you maybe because I don't know how to make furnitures XD.

but I will try to finish it off with several other improvements, but it might also take a while leaving the warning.