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Happy New Year!

32.6k Cerdd  3.2 years ago

Happy New Year everyone! well for me its still December 31st when I'm making this post.

What a year this has been-
Where do I even begin?-

I guess January huh? Man I really had awful builds back then didn't I? Why did any of you like them? XD
I also had quite a bit of drama back in June didn't I? With the whole Anime Waifu planes, I'm quite glad I had that experience cause it can help you grow as a person in a way. Might I add, I am 100% expecting to have more drama in 2022 for the things I have planned.
It was around August or so that I had actually heavily improved my build quality by actually using blueprints in game, this had helped me learn new techniques to make my builds look better.
Speaking of which, my Su-35S is done and I'm working on my F-22 now, I would have uploaded said Su-35S today but "Mod Settings" is broken and I kind of wanna wait till its fixed so I can keep making my current style of thumbnails.

Another thing is, I had lost a few friends this year, quite a few actually- Most of which being people on this very site. I will not be saying what had happened or why we aren't friends as that is personal-

Anyway- Do I have any form of goals for 2022?
I do indeed have two, as for the rest of my goals are just related to IRL things.
Id like to upload at least 1 plane a month, and try to upload 3 a month if possible. I cant 100% guarantee that ill do this, but its my hope.
Id also like to learn how to make more complicated liveries for my aircraft, y'know, the ones that make you suffer cause your game crashes every 5 minutes and you lose like 10 minutes of work. (I'm not even lying when I say that- My game crashes a lot-)

Anyway that's all from me- Happy New Year everyone and ill see you guys again in 2022~

Love you all~ <3