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8,344 GabrielFangster70  3.1 years ago

We are almost out of the hell that is this year (2021) and 2020, but we’ll see but even though 2021 gave us new things new Memes new people and other stuff like that There is one thing i must say and that one thing is that 2022 must be better, But in my opinion I don’t think so during the early stages of 2022 where can I have to be focusing on the omicron variant of coronavirus, but y’all also gave me another question, will Om me crying evolve to do what the original coronavirus did back in 2020? I am hoping and saw is everybody else that the answer is hell no,
But in my opinion that I just be the answer but hey we’re gonna see what the answer will be throughout each day. But everybody will expect that by 2022 coronavirus and all of its stuff would be done with and all of the things that came with it such as the anti-VAXXERS, and etc, decides to stop,
Anyways my New Year’s resolution for both simple planes and reality, is that things get better and so is my engagement in the simpleplanes community
This forum post was uploaded on December 31, 2021