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New Year, New Builds

7,974 TheCreatorandDestroyer99  3.0 years ago

Last year I disappointed by not uploading anything as the Pandemic took a hammer to my productivity and motivation. This year I’ve made myself a schedule and will try to abide by it to the best of my abilities. Here are two builds that are expected to be released this month. There are more planned for months after January but won’t post them as things can change in development.

Landstalker MK. IV Main Battle Tank
Expected Time of Release- January 2-15

Notes: Main battle tank that was a collaboration between me and another user before we had a falling out. I put off releasing this but figured that this new year meant a new start and I want to put this forward.

P-6N Trident Maritime Patrol
Expected Time of Release- January 11-30
Note: Fishing Aircraft

T for Tag

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    Yeah I’ll remove it. @rexzion

    3.0 years ago
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    50.7k BeastHunter


    +1 3.0 years ago
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    7,344 Bellcat

    Welcome back after so long. The tank looks better than the, if I can say, rather odd looking maritime patrol plane.
    Oh wait. I forgot to change my profile picture back! Sorry about that. XD

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    44.4k rexzion

    the placement of the frontal ERA on that tank is questionable

    +1 3.0 years ago