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VR worth it or not

8,359 Airheaddivision  3.1 years ago

Okay, I’m mulling over the idea of getting this game, I just got an oculus and set it up. I want to get it but everyone is saying the builds have to be small, and I’m not good at making small aircrafts, I can make medium sized aircrafts, but not small ones, as in the size of the in-game seats.

Will there perhaps be an update that simpleplanes VR will soon be able to support larger aircraft because I ain’t buying it if I can’t fly larger aircraft, boats etc.

Yes I have tried fine tuner to shrink the whole thing but it completely got screwed up in the process.

I want to enjoy VR but I just can’t make small builds.

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    Okay, thank you for this information @rexzion

    3.1 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    in it's current state i do not recommend SPVR on the oculus store. the gameplay is extremely dry, if you get enough joy mindlessly flying around you can be entertained for a few hours i guess... the challenges are sucky because there are few and they are also bland. I was hoping i could atleast SELECT an aircraft i wanted to spawn but since you can't save aircraft like how you can in normal SP that's not possible, so you can't spawn in your own enemies. I imagine the steam version of SPVR is much better and could atleast provide some entertaining gameplay because 1; you can run much heavier and more detailed builds, and 2; mods. I probably wouldn't even recommend the steam version because the gameplay is STILL bland. unless SP were to get a mission editor or proper multiplayer (2 things which i don't think will happen since the game has been stretched to play on crappy mobile phones to literally VR) then SPVR will just be a bland game you play for a couple hours and never play again

    3.1 years ago
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    I have a pretty good pc that can accommodate games such as squad and Arma 3 and it works just fine if that’s what you are saying @jamesPLANESii

    3.1 years ago
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    Imo, unless you have a powerful computer that can run good PC VR games, most quest VR games seem like a gimmick and are pretty small and low quality, and you will struggle to be entertained for more than a couple of weeks and I wouldn't recommend it.

    3.1 years ago
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    If you have a computer than can run MSFS in VR aswell, it's 100% worth it.

    3.1 years ago
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    "Small" is more like sub 1000 parts tbh for Quest 2

    3.1 years ago
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    Thank you I’ll keep that in mind @BeastHunter

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    23.4k Scratchoza

    Uhh they mean being small as in having low part counts and fewer objects that make the game lag, not the literal size/dimensions of the crafts. Giant crafts the size of a whole runway make the game lag a lot but people don't usually build those, especially not for VR I think.

    3.1 years ago
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    50.7k BeastHunter

    I think they mean small as in part count. VR is a whole new amazing experience. 10/10 buy it.

    3.1 years ago