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Regarding YouTube and YouTubers;Official

19.8k RocketLL  9.3 years ago


The recent influx of YouTube videos on SimplePlanes has brought much more attention to the game. However, we're starting to see the impact by famous YouTubers. We'd like to enforce some basic rules to keep this community in the way we all love.

  1. No reposting planes(especially to get attention from YouTubers)

    • Reposting is highly frowned upon in this community. It's stealing from the original poster(OP)'s effort, time, and hard work. It's especially wrong if you use others' planes as a tool to get attention.

    • Tweaking other people's aircraft is okay. That's what the successor system is for. Tweaking=Adding weapons, making the aircraft fly better, etc(NOT repainting)

    • We will issue a warning, and if offending behavior continues, a 5-day ban will be given. After that a permanent ban will be issued.

  2. No hate comments

    • No hate comments aimed at anyone will be tolerated, whether it's an YouTuber, fan, or user. Be courteous to other people, and kindly inform the mods if you see any rules broken.

    • We are using a Three-Strike system. If you post a hate comment too many times, we'll give you a warning. After that, we'll give you a temporary 10-day ban and after that a permanent ban will be issued.

Thanks to everyone!

EDIT:Outdated post, read this:

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    15.6k Jacobdaniel

    Did you mean this? lol

    7.3 years ago
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    @WeaselZone this was me when I got my sp account: ":)"
    this is me when I discovered you never used my designs ":'("
    if it's possible: this will be me when you use at least one of my designs: "8D"

    8.8 years ago
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    @WeaselZone why WeaselZone? Why? Why? why didn't you use one of my designs? I only desire that you use the F-17 destroyer to destroy the bridges you love to might lack the speed to destroy a bridge, but it has the firepower and the sufficient amount of rockets! Why did you exclude me from your youtube videos? if I'm wrong about those questions, just give me a link to what video you used to show my planes...:'(

    8.8 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    I'm just wondering about the "No repainting" part, there is a repainted tag last time I checked, but does that applies to XML redone stuff, ie small decorations

    9.1 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @WeaselZone im making a vtol jet. Make sure u check it

    9.2 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    @Sniper16 Well, considering your sentence structuring is poor. I'm going to assume you don't know... I'll stop before a true rant starts.

    9.2 years ago
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    LOOK AT "SalemASaberhagen's" and "icecoldlava's" PLANES AND CHALLENGES

    9.3 years ago
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    I tweak prop aircraft for better performance sometimes, but a mod assumed that it was reposted, so look closely next time.

    9.3 years ago
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    2,262 BasketKase

    I upgrade one of my planes when someone said the prop broke, and I'm told by some jerk I'm breaking the reposting rule. WTF bro!!!!

    9.3 years ago
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    I do not aim to insult anyone or intend this to be a nasty comment, but I think we should be able to at least Repaint someone's airplane( with their permission of course). Also I think that we should be able to criticise someone aircraft in a kind way, but not by transforming it into a hate comment.

    That's my opinion.

    9.3 years ago
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    3,120 0

    Well said. Indeed. May it be a New Year's resolution for XVI @TheLieutenant

    9.3 years ago
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    To put it bluntly, Your right to free speach does not apply here. This forum and site is privately owned, and they can enforce whatever rules they see fit. Furthermore, I fail to see how hateful comments would add to the community in any way here.

    9.3 years ago
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    Why doesn't the admins a section for youtubers

    9.3 years ago
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    @Squirrel5712 on, the PS I'm I'm EpicPhysicsFlyer26-27-28-29 I keep forgetting pw

    9.3 years ago
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    @SwagAircrafts I don't will u tell me?

    9.3 years ago
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    3,120 0

    This is certainly a sound policy. No doubt it will make for a much more positive experience for all.

    9.3 years ago
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    I like how it used to be... Now I feel like this website is gonna be all over the place or just feel messy, or corrupted. I like the rules but the main thing that I'm worried about the website, becauset YouTubers will make accounts probably won't even upload stuff but get tons followers for no reason...

    9.3 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    @Sniper16 Do you know the the first amendment means

    9.3 years ago
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    Well said, after all, hate can be hate if it is made with subtle comments, alternate accounts, spreading rumours, betrail, lies, and offensive and racist content, pretty much what the old colonel does All day, so I wouldn't worry mate, because none has banned him, and I'm fed up of complaining and reporting him only to get no response, anyway, if he ever does get banned he emails mods and gets himself unbanned or makes another poisonous alt, so I wouldn't worry, as there will not be a line, since they have not banned the biggest hater on the site, perhaps he is even one of the mods, who knows who's behind the screen ehh? Or, all negative comments like, 'you got the wings slightly wrong' will be classified as hate, they usually are even though I've upvoted, but hey what do I know about being a mod! @UnstableOrbit

    9.3 years ago
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    @WeaselZone I agree man, the leaderboards will stablize, the inflow of new player is worth it. Simple Planes will be like youtube, it takes skill and luck, and the rich get richer.

    9.3 years ago
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    @EpicPhysicsFlyer28 youtuber's are affecting the plane leaderboards with their cult followings haha. I dont mind, the inflow of new player is worth it, the leaderboards will stablize eventualy.

    9.3 years ago
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    What does this have to do with YouTube?

    9.3 years ago
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    @JoeAdkinson13 ...

    9.3 years ago
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    0 Dot123

    I agree with all of this i am still unsure about how we clasifi hateful comments because I have lived in a house hold wher all of my brothers beat me up all the time so I have gotten used to the hateful comments and I don't know if any other users are like this but I also think ther is a limit we should put to make it the same

    9.3 years ago
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    @WeaselZone - it is really nice to have you in our community, sir.

    9.3 years ago
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