Do you know the corsair? The fossil that was the first plane posted on the site? So, you may have noticed that your last comment was 5 years ago. And that's not because no one wants to comment anymore, it's because there's a bug that prevents you from commenting on it.
When you press the button to send your wonderful comment saying "look at this fossil", you are greeted with a message with some codes, an error message, and other things I don't know what it is.
Note that I'm on Android 10
Does anyone know what it is?
I think it's because it was uploaded without an account.
That's probably it
i've seen it before too, my best guess is that it's most likely an error due to the Corsair being uploaded by an anonymous account (something which is not supported by modern site) thus messing up the commenting code. both the game's and site's codes are extremely outdated (like, what, 7 years old almost?) so simply the differences in code could be a possibility for the error too.