NRMA, Tiranopolis, EarthBound Kingdom, Vapu, the Resitance, and others form a peace agreement. This is our chat. Any nation wishing to join, submit a request here. Large decisions are made by the council, over a one-day period, while any member can accept and deny/ eject others from the council. Only all other Core (members that have stayed with and helped for a long time, or since founded) can eject another Core. We are a sort of United Nations, if you will. Members:
NRMA - @MrBackstabby [CORE]
Tiranopolis - @bobthetitan [CORE]
EarthBound Kingdom - @Earthbenderrwefa [CORE]
Resistance - @Aeroengineering [CORE]
Vapu - @Nickasaurus [CORE]
JCF - @Sirstupid
The People's Democatic Republic of Burrito - @Mildburrito2
Speedsters - @2416creeper
Kepler 90 Dominion - @Cipher
Republic of Planets - @Malcoink
Unknown - @Aerobako
Universal Alliance
814 MrBackstabby
9.0 years ago
@Nickasaurus @Sirstupid @sirtribesman @bobthetitan @Cipher @Makcoink we need your answer here, guys
@MrBackstabby ok thx
@Earthbenderrwefa he is in, at the top you can see he is a CORE member.
@MrBackstabby me and @Aerospaceindustries are allied so can u add him in?
@MrBackstabby thanks!
@Nickasaurus congrats on 25.4k!
Thats alrighty @MrBackstabby
@Cipher Thanks to the Mobile Update and the website being fixed for mobile I can pay now on my iPhone so I'll go do that
@Cipher I'm very sorry about the payment, I've been busy. The 15k gold has started production, and should be in your hands by the 24th!
@MrBackstabby sorry I was away for 2 weeks and yes thank you right now I'm modifying my squid... They lurch in the deepest deaths of our oceans they can destroy boats and ships
@Cipher Great!
Thats alright. The multiroles should have arrived already. The attackers are still goingbas they were sent later. @MrBackstabby
@MrBackstabby my ally is @Aerobako
@Cipher the reactor came close to a meltdown, but didn't. No fatalities.
@Cipher there is a delay in the payment for your fleets, we had a terrorist attack on our nuclear reactor powering the gold refinery. The perps are of unknown origin, but we have all four in custody. The payment should come this weekend, sorry for the delay.
@Malcoink and who is your ally?
@Cipher I will start shipping Materials right away
@MrBackstabby highly likely.
As long as my ally can be a member.
@Mlcoink will you become a member?
@Makcoink We accept your offer. Perhaps as payment, We in the Kepler 90 Dominion will give you a fleet of 50 KAI 90 multirole fighters.
@MrBackstabby @Nickasaurus @Cipher @Sirstupid
We at the Republic of planets Thank you. We believe that you are a positive force and would be willing to
support your cause. We have discovered A rare Element that has possible uses in high powered lasers and bombs, And would be willing to share it with you.
I'm inforeming the universal alliance that Mr. Backstabby will purchase tomorrow a fleet of 150 KAI 96 multirole craft built by my industries by 100 credits each. Because of that purchase, and to help our cause, the Alliance can have 120 of my KASI 170 Deep Strike Interdiction SpaceCraft these for free because of the purchase of the KAI 96 that will be made tomorrow. To help our cause, if the alliance needs extras the price will be very cheap, being 40 credits each, but I doubt you will need extras
@MrBackstabby Its up, thanks for seeing it, if you wanna tag more of the alliance people there too I dont mind. Now I think I'll make an interplanetary attacker what do you think
@Cipher :)
@MrBackstabby And thanks for correcting my nation's name