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18.2k exosuit  9.2 years ago

To all of the SimplePlanes Community.

By the time you reading this, i already offline.

2 days ago. SepticArmy broke into The Exo Headquarter. They killed more than a half of our troops. The 114th Armored Battalion tries to stop them. By the time the SepticArmy left, it was too late. The prototype F/A-23 Dambuster2003 was destroyed. All of the Exo uplink to GSLS(Global Satelite Defence System) was destroyed, most of it was unuseable anymore. We are retreating toZZZT our sa-ZZZT-ouse in RussiaZZZT We will offling forZZZT Few months regarding of theZZZT JSE. GO PROTECT YOUR ZZZZT Base... Its now or never... ZZZT! THIS IS JACKSEPTICEYE. YOUR ALLIANCE IS MINE NOW LOOK AT YOUR FRIEND EXOSUIT AND HIS TROOP IS DEMOLISHED NOW IS YOUR TURN TO JOIN WITH HIM TO THE HELL.ZZZZZT* -----TRANSMISSION TERMINATED-----