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A bit about Correlia

18.0k FlirBlitz  3.2 years ago

So, the first time I ever said "Correlia" was on the DFC-11 Leistungsstark. Link And basically, it was nothing. Just me saying "I'll make a forum about it later." Well, it's later.

Military Stuff

It's rather simple. We, yes WE, basically have big boi army. With about 20 quintillion branches but I'll round it down to a few:
CAF: Correlian Armed Forces
CIF: Correlian Infantry Forces
CEAF: Correlian Earth Airforce. (we've been at war with them before. And won.)
CSF: Correlian Space Fleet
CWF: Correlian Water Fleet (for conditions where ships won't work)
CR: Correlian Reserve
CMP: Correlian Military Police


If you step on a mine. Good. You've disarmed a mine
If you get shot. Good. You made the enemy waste a bullet
If you die. Nice. You get to join the Sandbag Divison.


3 so far (LIST MAY CHANGE):
212th (All Branches)
501st (All Branches)
101st (All Branches)

That is pretty much it. Oh and if you're wondering who leads the military, it's actually Dalyo. Or on steam, General Simpl Plenz. I won't send a link to his steam so he doesn't have more problems then I already give him, but I will give his website acc: Link

That's it for now, If you want to actually be in the group smaller than a fetus feel free to ask me, but you at least need to know a SINGLE thing about war. If you say it's 2 peoples who start beating the crap out of eachother, yeah no won't work.

Godspeed Comrades

-Emperor Deletus
(Or, Bobyo)

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    18.0k FlirBlitz

    @Kangy oh wowie

    3.2 years ago
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    17.4k Kangy

    No I do, I own a discord server which I’m organising my defence force for it atm. @Bobyo

    3.2 years ago
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    18.0k FlirBlitz

    @Kangy you wouldn't get it lol

    3.2 years ago
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    17.4k Kangy


    3.2 years ago
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    18.0k FlirBlitz

    @Dalyo yes

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    g e n i u s

    +1 3.2 years ago