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not enough air

92 mintchocoL  3.0 years ago

How can I resolve this problem
put it a lot of airinkate I cant resolve this problem

ps. How can I add screenshots to the post

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    is the engine connected to a rotator? If yes, then you should put the intake in the engine. If no and you use the small intake, then I recommend you to stop using it. Use fuselage intakes instead, alot of builds uses it. Including mine.
    Also, you could post images by doing this:
    ![put something here if you want it to be a clickable text](link goes here)
    Yes, you have to use links to post images. I suggest posting them somewhere maybe like imgur or Discord first, then copy the link of the image, and boom, you just posted the image.
    Although, you need 100 points to do it. Better get more upvotes!

    +1 3.0 years ago