Hey everyone !
I hope you're ok !
Because i'm not :(
I have a problem...
I dont do that to get fans or something.
I always spend hours to make planes, i try to make them beautiful, flying well etc...
BUT nobody download them, or when somebody download it, he don't upvote it.
SO, I don't want you to upvote my plane, I just want to know:
-What type of plane do you like (jets, small plane, old school...) ?
-When do you download planes (when should i upload them) ?
-What do you want to see in a plane to dowload it (click on my plane's link(screenshots, name...))To download it ?
I know someone already did that, but I want to update it and to know what you want.
Thanks you all ! I hope i didn't bored you and I hope someone will read this :(
@zap210 oh, ok, thanks ï ThinkPad i'll retour tous innovate, because perfection isn m'y thing xD thanks ! :)
I think that the factors for more upvotes:
New surprise.
New shape of aircraft.
The airplane that nobody built ever.
New experience of physics.
High degree of perfection.
@WalrusAircraft Maybe you're right... but anyway, this game is cool, even if i'm alone xD ! and i won't be sad, you upvoted one of my first airplanes :p
I had the same problem when I started. This game is part community, part building. I've been spending a lot of time working on my Corsair redesign recently. Even though I'll put 100 hours into it, I doubt it will get more than 15 upvotes. It is the nature of the game.
@ElGatoVolador I do mod :( i made a plane with airfoil and tons of mods, but same, no one downloaded it ^^' When I see your planes i think i just don't have enough skill...
@IguasOs fantastic
Get used to it buddy the only way your getting out of this is if you can mod.
@GINGER007 I have one :p a fictionnal ww2 jet :D i'll upload it tomorrow, i have work to do on it, but thanks for the suggestion :)
@Makcoink ^^' Thanks, but i said that wasn't necessary xD
Thanks for the suggestion though !
Jets are the big thing. Build them. But I love world war 2 aircraft.
But you should make new Jets
I upvoted all of your planes
Makcoink to the rescue !