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The Front Page!

A freshly delivered spare Firecrest without any numbers aboard the USS Beast

'Ace' dogfighting against a 'Rookie'

'101' of the No.60 squadron firing an Owl ASRAAM

0.X. 47 winning against "Diablo" in "The Dragon"

Training Dogfight (can be used as a wallpaper)

Another view of a rookie being trained by an Ace (can be used as a wallpaper)

Wing vortices being produced as both Jets pull high AoA

Reconnaissance over Maywar

A Fly by over Bandit

High speed low pass over Maywar

Reconnaissance over Snow Stone

Pulling a perfect Cobra with instructor disabled

'101' of the No.60 squadron firing an Owl ASRAAM

The Aftermath two Ace's head on

Seconds before the missile hits
@SpaceG10 cap
Better than my jet builds 👍