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On behalf of cannons

2,101 WojakArgento  3.1 years ago

Well, I’ve been wandering around with this idea and I would like to suggest to the devs to add some new parameters to the cannon weapon, which would be:
1) spread. Similar to wing weapon and adjustable through XML. I kinda find annoying with some designs that cannon bullets always go like a laser, to the point that in close distance it’s hard to hit targets in aerial combat, adding spread would make the cannon more suitable for build who use them as main weapons and for air combat
2) synchronization: pretty simple, that several cannons can be synchronized to fire at the same time. Can be partially done with XML but having it as a “yes/no” option would be great
3) setting fire rate in round per minute instead of delay between shots. I’ve been experimenting with negative fire rates to make Gatling cannons but either they synchronized or got shell kissing, and setting the rate of fire straight from beginning would help this, and also avoid calculus with the actual delay to estimate the actual rate of fire.
4) explosive spacing: similar to tracer spacing, it would be great to choose upon how many bullets shot which would be explosive. It would allow to balance planes (why should I be able to sink the Beast with a 20mm explosive cannon?) and create something similar to War Thunder belts. Imagine having a burst upon which you have a tracer-explosive-regular bullet for example.
5 shell ejection (optional): self explanatory

To sum up, I think that this ideas applied to the cannon would make them more versatile in armed builds, easier to use and a great addition toward weapons varieties.

For any idea or debate please comment, and if you support don’t forget to upvote! Hope the devs can see this and give their opinion!

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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    War Thunder
    *in TF2 Hoovie voice*
    Is Nice
    Peeps seem to like making replicas from recent updates (104's flood last year,remember?), such builds often (i guess) get pretty much attention, ups, spotlights, comments giving some sort of motivation and just putting in a good mood.
    I guess it (WortThunder) can be called a... um... digital museum perhaps. I'm pretty sure that many (if not exactly all) do use in-game screenshots when building cockpits (InSPofcourseyesduhuguhpositiveaffirmative).
    That's just a coincidence that people (notably much people, i mean) instead of grinding
    War Thunder full time, getting in some other things, things like a simpaploinz
    Anyways... *WOLOLO*

    3.1 years ago
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    @Dathcha lol same but I still do it

    3.1 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    I dont play war thunder grinding made me cry in the bathtub @asteroidbook345

    3.1 years ago
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    Having salvos would be really nice and better sounds would be nice. All the ships have pretty low health for what they are, one hellfire missile isn't going to sink a ship lol. Also, they don't have armor models or anything so even if a missile or bullet is fired at them that theoretically shouldn't be able to do anything it still ticks away at its health. Smaller canons do decrease in damage, but a 20mm gun still has a lot more damage than it probably should for what it is. Also why does everyone here play War Thunder? I definitely do too but it's just a weird trend

    3.1 years ago
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    30.9k Nerfaddict

    I was thinking the shell ejection as an entirely separate customizable part. As such, some parameters that should be adjustable in my opinion should be size (how big the shell is), Shell type (straight wall or bottleneck, both of witch can be adjusted like a fuselage block), ejection speed (how fast does the shell travel when ejected), rotational speed and angle (if the shell is "spinning" when it's ejected, how fast and at what angle), velocity ejection angle (which direction is the shell ejected at), shell ejection angle (which way is the shell pointing when ejected), lifetime (how long until shell is "deleted"), collisions (does the shell have collision detection), Delay (how long after the shot until the shell is ejected), color (the ability to color the ejection part as well as the shell), and shell "smoke" (comparable to a faint version of the "tracer", but with the shell itself(something like this), can have length, color and spacing adjusted).

    3.1 years ago