So, unless you were not here for the past hour, then you've seen the script kiddie dropping three pages worth of "N" bombs on the forum and claiming to hack the site. What set him/her/it off is unknown, but had something to do with LatantImage. Not saying he did something, but the first forum had his name in the title. Anyone know what happened to cause this?
@Bluebugplanes I don't recall that instance specifically. But if I did remove it, then I felt like it was against the rules in some way. I'm sorry that you were angered by the situation.
The first account's comments@MrSilverWolf
He was upset because I temporarily banned him for stealing other people's designs multiple times after multiple warnings.
Where did you find that? @Sirstupid
I found out! He was mad because he copied a plane with no changes, then "reconstructed it" and it was taken off.
Thanks, good to see it gone@RocketLL
@Sirstupid Oh everyone on this community must be stupid enough to fall for my "Masterful" and "Convincing" plan! They won't know what him em! xD
@DeezDucks No prob, if you see him again notify us, and we'll take care of it.
And now I will hack it by clicking random zeros and ones: 1001010001110. (The kids mind)
@RocketLL The sucker had it coming
Yeah I accidentally hit the wrong one with out knowing I did it until now lol. @DeezDucks
Permbanned. Thanks for you guys' help.
@MrSilverWolf I don't think 6 year olds are immature enough...
Maybe he posted something inappropriate and Latanlmage removed it and he got mad because it got removed and when the on a rampage or he is just a 6 year old brat that cries when he dose not get his way.
Nothing caused it, he's just a little kid trying to get attention