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Help with custom flaps

28.7k Dragoranos  3.1 years ago

It's hard to explain, but here goes:

When I activate the flaps on my plane (remembering that it's custom), the plane descends instead of ascending.

It's something simple but very irritating and I don't know how to solve it

(and please don't delete your comment, I bet a lot of people have this question too, and if you delete the comment you're basically messing people up!)

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    28.7k Dragoranos

    @Chancey21 ok, i will tag you

    3.1 years ago
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    You probably put the flaps behind the center of lift, you want them in front of it

    3.1 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    Tag me on an unlisted post, I’ll see if I can fix it

    3.1 years ago
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    É simples, os flaps provavelmente estão atrás de centro de gravidade, então, você precisa ou mover o centro de gravidade ou esconder flaps funcionais dentro da asa e fazer um apenas estético

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    Did you put a wing on the flaps? If yes, then add "liftScale" to it, preferably 2.5.
    One of the reason why is if a wing is in front of another wing, and that front wing produces less lift, then the back wing will invert it's input effects. This is why flaps are pitching you up instead of pitching you down.
    If you haven't put a wing in the flaps, then you should do it.

    3.1 years ago
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    24.0k FeatherWing

    If you are putting VTOL surfaces on the default wings for flaps, I learned that is not the best way to make flaps.
    As ZWLenning said, it's best to just make custom flaps with fuselages and then stick a separate wing panels onto these flaps and make them really small. You can also add a weak airbrake to simulate drag from the flaps.

    3.1 years ago
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    9,177 ZWLenning

    flaps are not modelled I don't think, so it just acts as a pitching device.
    My trick is to hide wings inside the plane that move attached to pistons when flying

    3.1 years ago