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Preference, and a question.

61.9k ZeroWithSlashedO  3.1 years ago

I'm planning to release my Typhoon now, but I'm pretty confused, so I need your help.

But first, a question.
Can unlisted crafts be curated?
Just out of curiousity.

And now, I like ya'll to vote.

I have 3 configuration types on my Typhoon. I will be posting it today, I hope. Now, which would you prefer?

a. Post two of the versions as unlisted.
b. Post all of them as public.
(Comment "1: answer here" to vote)

If you voted A, which version should I post one as public?

a. Air Superiority (6 BVRAAMs and 2 SRAAMs)
b. Strike (3 BVRAAMs, 4 LGBs, 2 SRAAMs, 1 Targeting Pod)
c. Close Air Support (3 BVRAAMs, 2 LGBs, 2 SRAAMs, 6 AGMs, 1 Targeting Pod)
(Comment "2: answer here" to vote)

Please help me, thank you

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    It is decided then.
    A, and C was the most voted option, so I'll do that.
    And also...
    @ReinMcDeer, your wish will be granted. Although this does mean I'm not going to be publishing it today. Hopefully after I finished my school, I can straight up work on it.

    Pinned 3.1 years ago
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    Oh btw
    here are all the armaments:
    BVRAAM: Meteor
    SRAAM: AIM-132
    LGB: GBU-16 (Paveway IV on the CAS)
    AGM: Brimstone
    Pod: LITENING (doesn't actually work)

    Pinned 3.1 years ago
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    1: A
    2: C

    3.1 years ago
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    B and also T

    3.1 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    Can unlisted crafts be curated?


    1: A
    2: A

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    97.3k ReinMcDeer
    1. A
    2. B

    Now I wanna redo my typhoon...
    Also, you should try making the targeting pod functional, it's really satisfying to track your targets and see them get smacked by a GBU

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    I: A
    II: C

    3.1 years ago